Annunciation offers several options for Faith Formation development for children and young people who attend public elementary school.
Our parish participates in a shared children’s Faith Formation program with our neighboring parish, Our Lady of Peace. This program takes place on the Our Lady of Peace campus, 5426 12th Avenue South. Classes are on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 – 7:30 pm beginning in September and ending in May.
For more information about the Faith Formation program and a link to the online registration.
- PreK and Grade K-5:
Deepening Our Faith is the Faith Formation (religious education) program that offers young children and their families faith-filled learning opportunities. - Grade 6-8:
Edge is the program is designed especially for young people in grades 6-8. It is a combination of formation, service, and community.
Youth in 7th & 8th grade have the option to join Junior High AYM (Annunciation Youth Ministry) or OLP Faith Formation. - Family Based Home Schooling is an option for parents who desire to direct their children’s Faith Formation experiences within their life as a family. Our Lady of Peace Faith Formation provides appropriate materials and resources for our home schooling families.
For more information please contact Emily Koenig at Ekoenig@annunciationmsp.org
- Reconciliation – Holy Communion – Confirmation
Annunciation families with children who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time, or who have an eighth grader to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, need to complete the online Annunciation registration as well.
For further information on First Communion please contact Emily Koenig: ekoenig@annunciationmsp.org
For further information on Confirmation please contact Ellie Schmitz: ellieschmitz@annunciationmsp.org