Centennial 1922-2022

Ring those Bells-Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
Join us for a Joyous Bell Sunday when our Bells will ring again after a long hiatus.

Sunday, December 11th 2022
9:30AM Mass

A donut wall reception will follow after Mass.

Centennial Mass
Sunday, October 2nd 2022 9:30 AM
Reception to follow Mass

As part of our Centennial Celebration, we are hosting a Centennial Mass where we will celebrate 100 years of the Parish on Sunday, October 2nd 2022 at 9:30am Mass with a reception to follow.

Centennial Pastor's Mass
(Fr. Ken Pierre, Fr. Tim Dolan, Fr. Brian Park & Fr. Bill Deziel)

Tuesday, June 21st 5:30 PM
Wine & Cheese Reception to follow mass

As part of our Centennial Celebration, we are hosting a Pastors Mass where former priests/deacons of the parish will return to co-celebrate a mass together on Tuesday, June 21st. At this Pastors Mass, we are going to have a prayer written specifically for the Centennial to kick off 100 Days of Prayer. We are asking that starting the next day, June 22nd, Parishioners will say this prayer each day leading up to our official Centennial Anniversary on October 1st. Please plan to save this Tuesday evening to celebrate together!


Annunciation Centennial 1922-2022

It is our great pleasure to announce Kevin and Kate McMahon and Todd and Jennifer Radam have agreed to lead our Centennial Committee! We are looking forward to a year of reconnecting as we celebrate 100 years as a faith-filled parish. We are hoping to bring an extra level of enthusiasm to all that we do this year as we celebrate 100 years of offering close-knit community, friendships that cross generations, and one of the top Catholic schools in Minneapolis.