Annunciation Church has a deep commitment to helping others in our local communities and the world through a ministry we call Mission Monday.
Each Monday these community outreach opportunities put our faith into action by taking the Gospel to the streets as we make people’s lives better through our efforts.
Loaves & Fishes
1st Monday of the Month
Loaves & Fishes is a nonprofit organization serving free, healthy meals to Minnesotans in areas where the need is greatest. We welcome your help whether it's one time, every month or when helping-out fits your schedule!
Blood Drives
Quarterly-On Mondays
(February, June, September & December)
Healthy donors are needed at the Annunciation Catholic Church Blood Drive to help maintain a strong blood supply for our community.
Friends of Our Lady
2nd Monday of the Month
Friends of our Lady gather once a month to make candy/treat bags for residents and Guests of the Our Lady of Peace Home in St. Paul.
Meals on Wheels
Every six weeks.
Meals on Wheels is a community-based service that provides fresh, nutritious meals delivered directly to the homes of seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Mystery Monday
4th Monday of the Month
On Mystery Monday we will do a service project for the Under the Cross partner either at Annunciation or off site (Times and locations will vary each month.)
Eli Project
5th Monday of the Month
Your help is needed in turning new or no-longer-needed T-shirts into reusable diapers for a wellness center in Port Au Prince, Haiti.
No sewing experience needed.
Under the Cross
(January-March, April-June, July-September. October-December)
Every three months Annunciation Church partners with a community organization, charity or non-profit in our under the cross ministry.