Under the Cross

Under the Cross

The first Sunday of the month before Mass a speaker will share the organizations mission, goals and programs, they will also be available after Mass in the Community Room during Coffee and Donuts to answer any questions.

A service project for the Under the Cross partner will be offered each month during Mystery Monday (4thSunday of the Month). Our goal is to learn about the good work happening around us, offer our time and talent in a service project at Annunciation or at the highlighted organization. Each month we will also offer a donation to the Under the Cross partner to support their work at building the Kingdom here on Earth.

Donate to Outreach Fund

Under the Cross Ministry’s goal is to learn about the good work happening around us, offer our time and talent in a service project at Annunciation or at the highlighted organization. Each month we will also offer a donation to the Under the Cross partner to support their work at building the Kingdom here on Earth.

2025 Under the Cross Partners:

January: Feed My Starving Children
February: Special Olympics 
March: Meals on Wheels
April: Memorial Blood Center
May: Incarnation Food Shelf
June: Every Meal
July: Food Group
August: Second Harvest
September: Bridging
October: Our Lady of Peace Home
November: Annunciation Thanksgiving Food Drive
December: Toys for Tots

Annunciation Church  Initiative-Claudia Murray Fund

More than 1.7 billion people around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive.

We do this by crowdfunding loans and unlocking capital for the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world. Through Kiva's work, students can pay for tuition, women can start businesses, farmers are able to invest in equipment and families can afford needed emergency care.

By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, you can be part of the solution and make a real difference in someone’s life.
100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans. 

Annunciation KIVA account

Make a loan, change a life.
With Kiva you can lend as little as $25 and make a big change in someone's life.

Here is how this will work, for a donation to Annunciation Parish your donation will be pooled with other Parishioner's donation and loans will be made. You will be updated every six months about the status of our loans etc.

Our loans  will be focused on Women , in honor of Cluadia Murray a Annunciation School Alumna, a young  woman who passed way to soon. She was born in Columbia and was pationate about BIPOC issues.

Account Update as of 2/1/2025
121 Loans made
52 Countries supported. 
$3,025 in loans made


Jimmy Dunn
Annunciation Director of Outreach & Community Life