Pastoral Ministry
If you would like to be involved in doing good works, we want you! Annunciation has many opportunities to help others in our parish.

Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound
On a weekly basis, communion is brought to people who are not able to get to church. We also provide meals for those in need after hospitalization, a stay in a nursing home, or illness.
Funeral Lunches
We are happy to accommodate you for a funeral luncheon for your loved one. Lunches are catered and the family is responsible for taking care of the arrangements and cost. We typically use Kowalski’s and have been very happy with their service. You are also welcome to use a caterer of your choice.
For more information please contact Helen Corkran at or 612-824-9993 ext, 252.
Signup for Funeral Ministry
Nursing Home
A weekly visit is made to the nursing home by the volunteer group. Residents are gathered together for prayer and communion.
For more information about our ministries, please contact Helen Corkran.