Sacraments of Initiation
The Sacraments of Initiation usher a person into the life of the Church.
There are three sacraments of initiation:
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Eucharist
Adults interested in becoming Catholic are fully initiated into the Church, receiving all three sacraments at once. Children receive these at different times in their lives.
This is an introduction into the Community of Faith. Please contact Emily Koenig to discuss baptism prep and to schedule a date.
We partake in the Eucharist sacrament in remembrance of Jesus's instruction at the Last Supper when he gave his disciples bread, saying, "This is my body", and wine saying, "This is my blood." "Do this in remembrance of me."
Catholic youth and adults, and those becoming Catholic, are strengthened and sealed by the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Annunciation’s program of immediate preparation for Confirmation begins in September with the Sacrament of Confirmation being celebrated in the spring. Our youth typically receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during their eighth grade year.
At Annunciation Parish, we wish to work with you for the support of your son/daughter’s deepening relationship with Jesus Christ begun in the Sacrament of Baptism and nourished in the Eucharist. The Sacrament of Confirmation completes his/her full entry into the Faith life of the Catholic Church. In this Sacrament the fullness and empowerment of the Holy Spirit is poured out on the person being confirmed. Through your practice of our Faith in your own life and by your choice to have your son/daughter baptized and raised in our Faith, you have been preparing him/her for this Sacramental completion of Confirmation all along the way. Annunciation’s program of immediate preparation for Confirmation begins in September.
Sacraments of Healing
We ask the Lord for forgiveness in these sacraments.
A Christian is to be reconciled with God and the community through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Anointing of the Sick
To support and strengthen those who are sick. We celebrate Anointing of the Sick twice a year and upon request.
Sacraments of Vocation
Vocation Sacraments are the preparation for Sacraments of a special "lifestyle" calling.
The love between a man and a woman is a gift and a calling from God. Please contact Helen Corkran 9-12 months prior to the wedding for pre-Cana classes.
Holy Orders
Those who are called to ordained ministry. Annunciation is here for you and your family in your journey of faith.