Dear Friends,
I would like to share some of the good news at Annunciation. For the last 18 years, it has been my pleasure to serve Annunciation Parish as Director of Youth Ministry. I have seen life-changing and Christ-centered mission trips, rewarding faith-filled retreats, and service projects where the youth experienced the joy of being the hands and feet of Christ.
I felt called to change roles at Annunciation and provide programming to young adults like Annunciation Youth Ministries provides for youth. This summer a new position was created so i could make that dream a reality for the young adults of our parish. As Director of Outreach and Community Life I will be in charge of outreach programs to the poor and marginalized, lead the parish international mission in Haiti, create community life opportunities and be in charge of the Young Adult Ministry. Basically following AYM youth into college and beyond. A natural fit, it feels like this position was created just for me.
To provide quality programming and opportunities for young adults to further deepen their faith journeys with mission trips to Haiti, College break social gatherings and monthly gatherings to share our faith.
To meet these challenges, in 2005 we established the “AYM Dream Maker Fund” to help meet current needs and fund future growth and dreams. In 2019 the AYM Dream Maker Fund became the Annunciation Dream Maker Endowment Fund at Catholic Community Foundation and will provide financial support to Annunciation Youth Ministries and Annunciation Young Adult Ministries for years to come.
Your help is needed to make this dream come true! Please consider donating to the Annunciation Dream Maker Endowment Fund. Your donation will go a long way in supporting the ministries and programs at AYM and Young Adult Ministries. Our goal is to raise $10,000 this year.
On a personal note, thank you for understanding the importance of youth group and young adult ministry has on youth and young adults within our parish and south Minneapolis. Your generosity makes my job that much easier and allows my dreams to become a reality. May God richly bless you now and always.
Jimmy Dunn
Director of Outreach and Community Life