Our ministry programs for youth and young adults play an important role in providing support, guidance, and faith exploration during challenging times in the lives of our youth.
Middle School (Grades 7-8)
Middle school AYM meets every other Wednesday 6:27-8:30pm
Nov. 22nd-Nov. 24th 2024
Registration Link
High School (Grades 9-12)
High school AYM meets every other Wednesday of each month 6:27-8:30pm
2022-2023 AYM Interest Form
November 8th - November 10th, 2024
Registration Link
Volunteer Leadership Team
Become part of the AYM Leadership Team
Peer Ministry
The Peer Ministry Team of juniors and seniors in high school help chaperone recreation events, lead small group discussions and retreats and serve as a positive role models to junior high youth.
Peer Ministry Application 2024-2025
Mission Trip
Annunciation Youth Ministries invites senior high youth to participate in a YouthWorks Mission Trip. YouthWorks is a non-profit organization located in Minneapolis. Their mission, quite simply, is to provide life changing, Christ centered youth mission opportunities.
For more information about AYM, contact Ellie Schmitz ellieschmitz@annunciationmsp.org
Links for all AYM information and sign ups!