Every Third Saturday a Veterans support organization located near the Twin Cities VA Hospital needs our help.
Opens Friday, November 26th through Saturday, December 18th
(Or until all trees sellout on the east side of the church)
Grades 9-12: November 12-14, 2021 • Grade 7-8: December 10-12 , 2021
Come join in a wonderful tradition! Sunday, November 28th, 2021 10:30-11:30AM
Your donation may be sent to the Church Business Office or put in the collection basket Make Checks out to Annunciation Church with Thanksgiving Food Drive in the memo line. You can also donate online.
The Christmas Shoppe at Annunciation Church is early this year, Nov. 12-14, and better than ever!
Please join us for the Blessing of the Animals on Tuesday, October 4 at 3pm as we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, with prayers for creation.