Annunciation Thanksgiving Food Drive

In this season of giving Thanks for everything God has blessed us with personally, it is important to remember the gift that generosity is. In continuing with Annunciation’s long history of providing Thanksgiving meals to those less fortunate, we are asking for donations to help those in need have a wonderful dinner on Thanksgiving.

Annunciation Thanksgiving Food Drive


In this season of giving Thanks for everything God has blessed us with personally, it is important to remember the gift that generosity is. In continuing with Annunciation’s long history of providing Thanksgiving meals to those less fortunate, we are asking for donations to help those in need have a wonderful dinner on Thanksgiving.

Proverbs 22:9 tells us, “A generous person will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.”

With food allergies, dietary restrictions and to provide dignity to those we are helping we are giving gift cards to our recipients on Saturday, November 23rd, 2024. Any extra donations will support the school drive to support families at Holy Rosary.

Another option for helping our brother and sisters in need is bringing non-perishable food to church and place it in the collection bin for Incarnation Food Shelf.


Email Jimmy Dunn
Director of Outreach and Community Life


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