AYM Mission Trip 2022
Annunciation Youth Ministries invites senior high youth (Classes of 2022, 2023 & 2024) to participate in a YouthWorks Mission Trip.
YouthWorks is a non-profit organization located in Minneapolis. Their mission, quite simply, is to provide life changing, Christ centered youth mission opportunities.
Serving in Lake Traverse
- Serve through painting, cleaning, helping with yard work or doing other simple work projects.
- Partner with local assisted living homes.
- Plan and lead children’s programming, including Bible lessons, games, crafts and reading activities.
- Begin the week with an interactive experience learning about the Native culture.
- To best meet the needs of the community and build stronger relationships, some students will serve at Kids Club each day while others will rotate between Kids Club and Work Projects.
AYM Summer Mission Trip-Lake Traverse, SD
July 9th 2022-July 16th 2022
Cost: $650.00 (Reduced to $500 with Fundraising)
*Financial Aid available*
REGISTRATION WINDOW September 26-October 3rd 2021
TRIP LEADERS/ORGANIZERS: Jimmy Dunn & Anne Stickney
Questions: Email Jimmy jdunn@annunciationmsp.org or Anne astickney@annunciationmsp.org