Lenten Pillars, Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
Traditionally, the three pillars of Lenten practice are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These are highlighted in the Gospel on Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6), in which Jesus gives instruction on the importance of doing these practices humbly. It's good to do something extra during Lent in each of these areas. Here are some ways that you can do them here at Annunciation. Prayer: Daily Mass Tu 5:30 PM, W-F 8:15 AM Adoration in the chapel 24/7, spend one hour with Jesus each week. Station of the Cross Fridays 2:00 PM with students (but not on March 8) Stations of the Cross 6:00 PM Fridays Sunday Rosary 9:00 AM in the church Bible study Wednesdays 9:30 AM Visitation Room. Almsgiving: St. Monica School, Tanzania Collection this weekend Feb 17 & 18 Mission Possible Fundraiser for Haiti, Saturday Feb 24 Global Solidarity Collection. March 9 & 10 Fasting: Each of us should discern something to give up during lent. Fun food, drink & activities are often chosen. Limiting or eliminating screen time on phones, television, and tablets has become popular in recent years and much needed.
Stations of the Cross begining February 16th 6:00pm
Spend an hour with Jesus this Lent-40 adorers for 40 days.
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper- February 14th 2024
Blood Drive-Monday, February 26th 2024
Lenten Fish Fry-March 15th 2024 5:00-7:00pm
"Loving Father, help me this Lent to leave behind everything that prevents me from following your son"