Synod Small Groups
In August 2020, Archbishop Hebda announced focus areas for the Archdiocesan Synod. Your prayer, conversation and feedback on priorities within these focus areas will inform the topics selected for the Synod Assembly in June 2022.
He then unpacked each of the focus areas with hard-hitting questions, such as:
- What can we do to make parishes more welcoming and accessible?
- How can we offer meaningful life-long formation for discipleship?
- How can we better assist parents in forming children as disciples who know and love Jesus and his Church?
In Synod Small Groups this fall, you help determine the response of our local Church. In one session per week for six weeks, you will:
- Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Experience the compelling truth of the Catholic faith in today’s culture context.
- Examine questions under each focus area, sharing perspectives among a small group of sisters and brothers in Christ.
- Weigh in on how we as a Church might respond to these questions, to help Archbishop determine priorities.
To make sure all Catholics have an opportunity to participate, every pastor in the archdiocese has been asked to host Synod Small Groups this fall. If just 100 gather in small groups at each parish, Archbishop Hebda will hear from nearly 20,000 Catholics! Make plans now to join us!
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