Join us for a Monumental Adventure! VBS is back at Annunciation June 27-30th 2022
It’s important to know that donating blood is still a safe, easy process that is an essential part of community preparedness.
Please join us for Easter!
Easter Sunday, April 17
Masses 8:30 am* & 10:30 am* with incense
Wednesday, March 2nd 2022. Please join us on our Lenten journey.
Attention future Middle School parents we have a special evening just for you! Come and see all what our Middle School has to offer.
Please register for our event on Thursday, March 3rd at 6:30pm here:
When: The evening of Wednesday, July 20th
Where: The beautiful gardens at Judith & Gayle Fleming’s home
What: A Garden Party and Cookout hosted by the Flemings, Gagliardis, and 12 Apostles with all funds going towards the Altar Tabernacle project.
Pancake Breakfast: The third Sunday of the month October ’21-April ‘22
Do not miss the final Breakfast of the Season.
Tuesday, June 21st 5:30 PM
Wine & Cheese Reception to follow mass
Centennial Mass
Sunday, October 2nd 2022 9:30 AM
Reception to follow Mass
Sunday, May 15th 2022 we will celebrate a special First Communion Mass at 11:00AM in addition to our regular Sunday Masses.