July 7, 2020
Dear Annunciation Families,
I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July holiday and were able to spend time with family and friends. Now that July is here and we are nearing the halfway point of summer, I wanted to update everyone on our continued commitment to safely welcoming students back to school for in person instruction this fall. With guidance from the CDC, the Minnesota Department of Health and the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Archdiocesan Office for the Mission of Catholic Education has just released their protocols for safe reopening of Catholic schools. This document will be used as a framework for all Catholic schools in the archdiocese, including Annunciation. The four domains are:
- Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread
- Maintaining Healthy Facilities
- Maintaining Healthy Operations
- Communicating, Training and Education
Our committee will meet later this week to review the document and begin to adapt it to fit the needs of our school. Catholic schools are required to submit a formal plan to the Archdiocese by the end of July. This plan will also be shared with the Annunciation community when it is finalized. However, since new information is being shared with us every day, please be patient as we might send frequent updates as we receive new information.
Here's what we know as of now:
- There will be a need for more disinfecting wipes than was requested on the school supply list. If you are able to purchase a few extra containers for the school, we would appreciate it.
- There will also be a need for hand sanitizer. Please make sure your child has some in his/her backpack.
- We also ask that your child has at least one mask that they can bring and leave at school. At this time, we do not expect students to wear them all day but there may be times they are necessary. We hope that knowing this now gives your family time to find a mask that works best for your child.
I know there are many in our community that have been adversely affected by the pandemic as well as the civil unrest that transpired in Minneapolis because of the death of George Floyd on May 25th. George's death has brought to the forefront conversations about racism in our country. I have included a link to two articles. The first is written by Archbishop Hebda and published in the Catholic Spirit last month and the second is a pastoral letter written by Archbishop Flynn in 2003. Both are also linked on the archdiocese website.
- http://thecatholicspirit.com/only-jesus/healing-a-wounded-people/
- https://www.archspm.org/in-gods-image-pastoral-letter-on-racism/
Please keep all those who are hurting for various reasons in your prayers.
Thank you for choosing Annunciation Catholic School! Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Kari Zobel