Your student is the center of our mission.
Annunciation Catholic School fosters each child’s potential to create a better world through faith, virtue, knowledge, and service to others.
Mission and Values Statement
Annunciation Catholic School’s mission is to form students in the Catholic faith, to instill in them a love for God and neighbor, and to guide their lifelong potentiality into the world.
We have served South Minneapolis since 1923, providing excellence in education for students from Pre-K through 8th grade. The International Baccalaureate program now enhances our tradition of values-based learning and outstanding academics.
Through an inquiry and action-based approach to learning and teaching, we are helping to develop responsible, disciplined problem-solvers, ethical citizens, and compassionate, creative leaders who change the world.
We are devoted to:
† Inspiring in students a lifelong curiosity about the world and their role in it.
† Encouraging students to live their faith in their lives; to lead through example; to become active participating members of their communities; and to serve others.
† Nurturing the development of the whole child in an open, inquisitive, respectful learning environment.
† Affirming and respecting the diversity and uniqueness of each individual.
† Collaboration between our committed community of parents, teachers, students, administrators and the Church.
† Sharing the joy of our fellowship and spreading love, hope and peace.
(Updated: April 2018)
Our Catholic Identity
Parents are their children’s first teachers. Annunciation’s faculty and staff have the privilege of partnering with parents and families in providing our students with a foundation in the Catholic faith and bringing excellence to their academic growth. As a Catholic School, we believe each student is a gift of God, made in God's image.
We expect our students to: use their individual talents to the best of their abilities; be responsible for their actions; treat all others with respect; follow the policies of the school; and contribute to the life of the school, parish and community. Our goal is to develop active and participating members in the sacramental life of the parish. Our students learn about the rich heritage of shared traditions and values of the Church and have opportunities to be involved in social justice needs, a valued aspect of the Catholic tradition.