In today’s interconnected, global world, learning a second language helps expand our children’s view of the world.
Learning Spanish can help them learn about other cultures, reach out to native Spanish speakers in our own community and can make them better prepared for future job opportunities.
Annunciation offers Spanish for Grade K-8 as part of your child’s tuition (unlike many schools). It is taught during regular school hours.
Grades K-2 Curriculum Highlights
- Students will build listening and reading comprehension, as well as communication skills through a TPRS (Total Physical Response Storytelling) model.
- TPRS focuses on the most useful vocabulary and comprehensible input using gestures, questioning and story creation to foster a natural acquisition of the target language.
Grades 3 -5 Curriculum Highlights
- Build vocabulary through verbal and written translation from the English word to the Spanish equivalent.
- Introduction of Spanish noun gender and noun, adjective agreement.
- Emphasis on pronunciation using Spanish vowels.
Grades 6-8 Curriculum Highlights
- Our middle school Spanish program is designed to prepare kids for high school Spanish.
- Most of our students are able to jump right into a high school level 2 or 3 Spanish class.
- Through a variety of lessons, students graduate 8th grade with confidence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Spanish.
- We also learn about Spain and many of the Spanish speaking countries south of our border.