Extended Day

Extended Day Program

Our goal is to create a safe and friendly environment where your children can discover new interests, develop new friendships and independence, and be guided to respect themselves and the uniqueness of others.


  • The Extended Day Program offers children a wide choice of activities for both groups and individuals. Interest centers include art, books, music, crafts, creative dramatic play, games, manipulative and constructive toys and food preparation.
  • Time is spent outdoors on the playground every day, and the children have access to computers as well as the gym.
  • Ample, nutritious snacks are served every afternoon and milk is provided. Typical snacks include fruit, crackers, cheese, pretzels, and assorted cookies.  The program provides a snack right after school.  At 4:45 students are given time to eat a snack which has been brought from home.
  • There is a quiet reading/homework period that occurs daily for the students.
  • Field trips by bus may be offered when the children are in Extended Day for a full day of programming.  This occurs on school release days.  Registration for these days is separate from school day registration.
  • Visitors and volunteers from in and around the Annunciation Community are used to enhance the program in areas of storytelling, sports, crafts, social services and nature.
  • The Program is open from 7:00am-7:50am and in the afternoon from 2:45pm-6:00pm.
  • The hours for the Summer Program and School Release days are 7:00am-6:00pm.


  • Openings in the extended day are filled in the following order: Annunciation School kindergarten students, siblings of students enrolled in the program, students who have been previously enrolled in the program, students who are new to Annunciation.
  • In the event that there is full enrollment, the number of days contracted per week will have priority.
  • Families may contract anywhere from one to five days per week.
  • There is a registration fee of $50 per child.  Each additional child is $25.
  • Billing is done on a monthly basis through TADS.

The Extended Day Program serves children in grades K through 8, who are currently enrolled in the school.  Both programs accept children with special needs as long as the staff is able to provide adequately for the child’s needs in the existing environment.  The Extended Day Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or national origin in their registration policies.

The fees for our Extended Day Before and After School program are as follows:

Registration fee:

  • $50.00 for the first child and $25.00 for each additional child
  • Morning session: 7:00a.m. to 7:50a.m. = $6.00 per session per child
  • Afternoon session: 2:25p.m. to 6:00p.m. = $17.50 per session per child (Scheduled/Registered for)
  • Afternoon session: 2:25p.m. to 6:00p.m. = $18.00 per session   (Add on/Extra Day)
  • School release day: 7:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. = $45.00 per day per child

Registration Forms 2024-2025

Summer Program

The Annunciation School Extended Day program is offering a summer program for children enrolled in our school.  The summer program will begin on Monday, June 2nd and will end on Tuesday,  August 19th.  We will be open every day except July 4th.  The program is open from 7:00am to 6:00pm.

Children who are registered for kindergarten at Annunciation for fall of 2025 are welcome along with all other Annunciation children.  Our summer program is filled with fun and interesting field trips, sports, arts and crafts, science and nature, and recreational activities.  Along with the many structured activities, there is also plenty of time for rest and relaxation with friends.

The daily fee is $55.00.  This fee includes the daily fee as well as any field trip and transportation expense.  There is NO monthly activity fee.

Contracting for days during the summer will occur at registration.  This is done to schedule appropriate staffing.  Circle the days you would like your child to attend.  Days may be added later (if available), but days not attended (and contracted for) must still be paid.  Changes in contracted days must occur prior to May 9th, 2025.

Billing will occur on a monthly basis.  Just like in the school year, billing will be done through TADS.

If you are interested in contracting for the Annunciation summer program, please fill out the registration forms and return them as soon as possible with the $25 registration fee.  Registration will remain open until May 9th, 2025, but registrations are processed as they come in.  Please note that your Extended Day balance must be paid in full and in good standing before summer registration is accepted.

Each child will receive a T-shirt as part of their registration fee.  The t-shirt is considered “uniform” and is required to be worn on all fieldtrip days.  There will be a $5.00 fine if your child doesn’t bring their t-shirt on fieldtrip days.   Also,  parents have the option of purchasing additional t-shirts. The first T-shirt is included in the registration fee and each additional shirt is $10.00.

For further information on the summer program, contact Jeff Wisdom at (612) 824-9993 Ext. 210 or jwisdom@annunciationmsp.org.

Extended Day Summer Program